Steve Deace admits he was initially hesitant to join the Convention of States movement. Like many Americans, he wanted to be cautious with the Constitution and ensure that proper safeguards were in place.
His concerns were allayed after speaking with Convention of States Action President Mark Meckler, and he realized that not calling a Convention of States is far more dangerous than doing nothing.
"Within the last few years... to me, whatever reservations you have about risks are out the window now. The game is almost over," he said. "This process allows you to take matters into your own hands. It empowers you."
It's time to take matters into our own hands. We've been at the mercy of politicians in Washington for too long.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the people--acting through their state legislatures--and has the power to propose constitutional amendments that get our nation back on track. These amendments can limit federal power and jurisdiction, mandate term limits, and impose fiscal restraints on Congress.
Join Steve Deace and other like-minded patriots around the country. Sign the Convention of States Petition below!