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South Dakota leaders meet for strategic planning

Published in Blog on September 28, 2020 by Jackie Rausch

Members of the Convention of States South Dakota grassroots army converged in Chamberlain for a strategic meeting on September 25.

Fifteen citizens gathered to discuss planning for growing the movement and events for the upcoming state legislative session.

“There is a swamp in Washington, D.C.,” said District Captain Bob Bruning of Sioux Falls. "I want to help. Article V is a gift from the Founders that offers a real solution. I am eager to see South Dakota join the list of supporting states."

One of the big components of the session was gaining more insight to the Constitution. The group spent time reviewing resources from the WallBuilders organization.

“It's important for us to gather to lift each other up and give support to each other and help each other as a family,” said State Director Shirlee Meier. "We are a family and a team to share ideas and thoughts and work together."

Time was also dedicated to brainstorming ideas on how to grow our local list of COS warriors. The team is eager to continue to build the local grassroots army to defend our liberties. 

“It is rewarding to see the South Dakota team coming together as one to become a grassroots activist team,” said Shirlee Meier. "We are growing and will continue to grow even after our resolution is passed in the South Dakota legislature."

Convention of States co-founder Mark Meckler joined the meeting via a video call to encourage the volunteers to continue working towards getting the COS resolution passed in the state of South Dakota.

"It was inspiring to hear directly from Mark Meckler at our state level meeting", said Shasta Hickman, a new District Captain. "He takes a genuine interest in the success of each and every state."

We are always looking for more people to join our team. If you have questions you can reach out to any of our state leaders to learn more about this fabulous liberty-based movement.

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