The things Americans say they will do in order to stop paying taxes in quite remarkable.
As Tax Day approaches, a WalletHub survey finds that over two-thirds of taxpayers, 73%, say the government doesn't spend their tax dollars wisely. Yet we continue to pay into a system that exceeds its authority and power over the people.
With a whopping 72% of people saying their taxes are too high, it's no wonder nearly half of Americans are willing to move to a different state to avoid taxes. Though avoiding taxes altogether is unrealistic, as even minimal government requires taxpayer funding to operate, it doesn't mean people can't dream of never paying taxes again.
Here are six things people are willing to do for a tax-free future:
1. Move to a different country (39%)
2. Get an “IRS” tattoo (37%)
3. Stop talking for six months (23%)
4. Take a vow of celibacy (22%)
5. Name your child "Taxes" (14%)
6. Clean prison toilets for three years (10%)
The survey shows that people believe local and state governments use tax dollars better than the federal government, furthering the arguments for a Convention of States.
By calling for a Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution, the people and their local leaders would have a stronger voice. A convention could stop the absurd federal spending and add term limits for members of Congress.
Not only is the federal government out of touch, but more importantly, it's out of the people's trust.
Join the Convention of States movement to rein in the federal government and return the power to the state level. Sign the petition below.