We need your help! Wisconsinites, please “Sign Up for Surge 2024” today.
Why: Our country is out of balance. Our President is using Executive Orders to alter the markets, and resources in America. They are acting like Kings.
They demand each and every Federal Budget to always increase. They always spend the budget into deficit. They print money to dole it out to special interests, so they can use it to buy votes.
Washington DC has no respect for our hard earned taxes. And why should they? We have not stood up to stop them.
Our Leaders in our Federal Congress amass 20-30-40 years in office. Some use Influence Peddling, to enrich themselves and their families.
Recently, the Covid 19 virus was used to change long standing laws. To destroy Freedom of Speech for political foes, and wreck Transparent Healthcare. All in the process to shut down our free economy.
Our Federal government allowed us to go to the liquor store, but not to church. Then the Federal Government paid us off, which ignited inflation,
The Federal Department of Education is working to indoctrinate our children rather than teach reading, writing and math.
What: Talk with Wisconsin State Legislators, and their staff respectfully, and deliver packets of Convention of States information.
Who: Wisconsinites interested in helping advance our cause. Using a Convention of States, Article V to force Washington DC and the Administrative State to:
1-Term Limits 2-Fiscal Responsibility 3- Stop the Overreach
When: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 8:30 am to 5 pm (or when every you can help,
Where: At the State Capitol in Madison, gather at the North Hearing Room on the 2nd Floor.
To Sign Up for the Wisconsin Surge 2024, Call, Text, or email our Wisconsin State Event Coordinator, Katherine Skleba 708-436-3936, skleba_2000@yahoo.com
Text the details to your friends: Join Wisconsin Convention of States at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, WI at the North Hearing Room on the 2nd Floor. On Tuesday February 13, 2024 from 8:30 am to 5 pm.
Come and help us Engage and deliver Convention of States information packets to all 132 of our Wisconsin State Legislators.
Snow day is the following Tuesday, February 20, 2024 from 8:30 am to 5 pm
P.S. We are working to advance Wisconsin State Legislation now. Wisconsin Convention of States highly recommends you support Wisconsin Assembly Bill AB510 / Senate Bill SB 489 - Parental Rights.
If you have Questions, Concerns, Complaints, Comments, Compliments? Text, Call, Art Binhack 262-930-1677
Convention of State’s is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Convention of States Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization and does not support or endorse any party or candidate. COSA is focused on educating the public on specific issues.