In a world of monarchies, oligarchies, and dictatorships, America so far has survived as a dramatic experiment in self-governance by We the People.
The Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, was intended to be the written guide to lawful equal protection of our natural, God-given liberties. Rule of law means that we, the governed, agree to live by the recorded regulations, not rule by men’s ideas that may arbitrarily change over time.
Our original Constitution has grown from a few pages written in 1787 to thousands of pages of annotated interpretations by courts. Today, more than two million unelected federal bureaucrats, in hundreds of federal agencies, decide how those rules are applied. These supposedly “scrupulously honest experts” no longer act without bias. Should the IRS, FBI, CDC etc. decide our issues?
Governor Ron DeSantis’s removal of State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit serves as a recent Florida example of push back against unconstitutional behavior. The suspension was a reaction to Warren signing a letter vowing not to prosecute people who seek or provide an abortion; that is, not to uphold the law.
The Governor explains that prosecutors around the country “basically take it upon themselves to determine which laws should be followed, and which laws should not be followed.” DeSantis further observed that “ours is supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of individual men.”
COS Guides the Citizen’s Job
Although it is voting season and citizens are actively investigating school board and other candidates, that is not enough. Voting is not enough!
The expectations at the founding of this great country were that citizens would actively participate, monitor government actions, and, if necessary, serve in office for a short time before returning to their non-political livelihood.
When citizens recognize that government is no longer serving its primary purpose – to protect citizens’ rights – it is their duty to right the ship. Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides the mechanism to lawfully and peacefully take action. Convention of States (COS) is the nonpartisan organization that teaches and activates grassroots participants.
COS supports calling an Article V Convention of States to debate three amendment topics:
1) Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government
2) Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
3) Limit the terms of office for its officials. Nineteen states have already passed the COS Resolution calling for a convention. Thirty-four are required to realize this goal.
COS needs your help. Even though Florida was the third state to pass this Resolution, vigilance is required. Please read about the various opportunities and consider signing up as a district captain.