When we see the disproportionate French upset over an additional two-year wait for retirement benefits, we wonder what else is going on. Not long after those strikes against unpopular government policies, violent protests erupt in reaction to alleged, racially-motivated police brutality. The French violence over the death of Nahel M. mimics the 2020 George Floyd riots in major U.S. metro areas.
Demoralize and Destabilize
Is this upheaval about one policy or one shooting or a long history of police abuse? Or is it because the state has ignored, not enforced, the law in some neighborhoods allowing crime to create an intolerable environment.
“The law-abiding majority now faces the consequences of the state’s long failure to enforce the law.” Dominic Green, Royal Historical Society
That quote could just as easily describe the situation in Chicago where politicians have chosen not to enforce laws that control and eliminate gang and drug activity. In Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland homeless encampments destroy neighborhoods.
Defunding police departments only exacerbates the situation because more laws are not enforced. Those who can, flee. Those who remain suffer desperation, resentment, and chaos.
When laws are ignored, anarchy follows. One must ask, "Who benefits?"
Destabilization is a foundation of the Marxist playbook. Create distrust and division, demoralize the middle class, destroy individual responsibility, increase dependence on the state, create an emergency, AKA anarchy, and take total control.
Florida Follows the Constitution
Recent changes to Florida immigration hiring have caused no end of finger pointing. The media implies that because Florida attempts to protect citizens’ rights, this is somehow unfair to illegals and causes harm to business and the economy.
Victor Davis Hanson explores who benefits and who loses from illegal immigration. First, Mexico and other foreign governments gain billions of dollars in remittances sent home by illegals. U.S. taxpayers lose by subsidizing housing, medical care, and education for non-citizens who overwhelm the system.
American businesses win by employing industrious workers for lower wages. This makes a mockery of the minimum wage laws and assumes citizens would not take these jobs.
Finally, some seek to strengthen political control by promising the American dream in exchange for votes from residents who are not citizens. This undermines both our election process and the two-party system.
A Nonviolent Solution
Convention of States proposes using Article V of the Constitution as a legal, nonpartisan way to rebalance control. Federal bureaucratic power has increased disproportionately while its accountability is almost nonexistent. Spending is by executive fiat unauthorized by Congress. Washington reinterprets constitutional limitations on power and ignores citizens wishes.
Please pay attention to the warning signs. Join a group that is working to reinforce the role of We the People and to bring control back to the local level.