While the FBI raid of former President Trump’s home is outrageous, one thing this has done is spark a fuming mob of patriots to head to the polls and vote in this November’s general election.
A brand new poll, conducted by The Trafalgar Group in partnership with Convention of States Action, reveals 83% of Republicans and 72% of Independents are now more motivated to vote in the 2022 midterm elections as a result of the FBI raid.
Republicans were expected to sweep midterm elections across the nation even before the unconstitutional raid occurred earlier this week, but now, the intrusive abuse of power has liberty-minded voters even more fired up.
An incredible 83% of Republicans and 72% of independents said they are more likely to turn out to the polls now that Trump’s residence was attacked.
“Independent and Republican voters are united in their outrage about this unprecedented and tragic event in American history. It’s clear to voters that the FBI raid is designed to punish the primary political enemy of the regime in power,” said Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States.
Polling data also shows Americans believe unfair biases resulted in the raid in the first place. Republicans and independents overwhelmingly believe Trump’s political enemies were behind the raid.
Democrats showed the least impact, as they also overwhelmingly believe the raid was a result of an impartial justice system.
“This gestapo-style injustice has created a voting surge that is so significant, the polling doesn’t even begin to reflect what is coming from grassroots voters in November,” Meckler added.
The only real solution is in the Constitution under Article V, which gives the states the power to recourse a potentially abusive government. Using Article V, we can call a Convention of States, which 19 states already have.
In order to officially convene, 34 state legislatures must call for convention, which is why this fall’s midterms are so important on the state level.
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