In last year’s American Families Plan, President Biden outlined his proposals for “universal” preschool for all three- to four- year olds and a recent report for the University of Pennsylvania has revealed the proposal’s mind-boggling price tag.
According to a White House release, “President Biden is calling for a national partnership with states to offer free, high-quality, accessible, and inclusive preschool to all three-and four-year-olds, benefitting five million children and saving the average family $13,000, when fully implemented.”
This raises a few immediate red flags.
Does the federal government really have the authority to regulate what your three-year-old is learning in preschool? And how likely is it that the government will use this to begin its radical indoctrination of young children at an even younger age?
Many concerns come with a President attempting to unilaterally federalize an issue that rightfully should be left at the state or local level. These are just a few of the examples.
Another huge area of concern is the overall cost of this proposal.
Just last week, the University of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Penn Wharton Budget Model, released data revealing the program would “cost about $351 billion over the 10-year budget window.”
As the nation struggles under the weight of massive debt and unprecedented levels of inflation, President Joe Biden should be looking for ways to spend less, not more. Of course, that’s not what he is doing.
Spending shockingly huge amounts of money has become a defining feature of his administration. He doesn’t care if his reckless spending isn’t financially sustainable – it doesn’t hurt his pockets. More than likely, he’ll be out of office, taking naps in a nursing home by the time America undergoes an economic implosion. He won’t face the consequences; you and I will.
Although Biden’s American Families Plan has fallen out of the daily news cycle, it is yet another example of how Washington D.C. has stepped outside of its bounds. Between seeking to federalize the education of preschoolers and blowing hundreds of billions of dollars, the government has clearly exceeded its Constitutional authority and requires drastic limits.
We the People can impose those limits by calling an Article V Convention of States. To show your disapproval of the federal government’s flagrant disregard for its Constitutional jurisdiction, sign the Convention of States petition!
Report: Biden's proposal for universal preschool is unconstitutional, expensive and dangerous
Published in Blog on June 08, 2022 by Jakob Fay