It’s time for another pay raise for government employees, Biden’s proposed 2024 budget pleads.
As the government becomes less representative of the people, its unproductive employees would like a larger cut of the pie.
Biden’s proposed 2024 budget pleads for a 5.2% pay raise, which would cost an estimated $10 billion at the taxpayer’s expense, a new report from finds.
Never mind the fact that the average federal bureaucrat already brings home a six-figure salary – in addition to nearly nine weeks of paid time off.
Never mind the fact that the median American brings home an estimated $54,132. Never mind the fact that Washington, D.C. holds the highest work-from-home rate in the country.
Typical of government: Work less and seek more pay. It’s the same idea with government power: Provide fewer citizen services and seek more control over the people.
They deserve more and they will give it to themselves. At least that’s what Biden’s proposed pay raise for federal employees indicates.
The federal payroll "costs $72 million a minute and a half a billion dollars a day. When you add in the cost of benefits, the payroll on an annual basis costs about $200 billion a year,” said CEO of Open the Books Adam Andrzejewski. “President Biden wants to put the largest pay increase for federal workers at 5.2% since 1980, and we estimate that alone will add at taxpayer cost $10 billion.”
In any financial transaction, the consumer is provided with a good or service in exchange for funds. But many Americans no longer feel like they are provided with any beneficial services with their tax dollars.
Instead, the federal government is giving itself additional funds while the people are left out to dry.
Politicians become rich off the backs of hardworking middle-class Americans who don’t hold any of the values circulating in the halls of Congress.
Convention of States is taking a stand. We know our government no longer functions as it should and it's time to implement term limits, budget requirements, and limits to the overall power of the federal government.
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