The thought of the monies our offspring will have to pay on behalf of the US Government's extravagant spending is the first factor that caused this writer to sign the Convention of States Action petition. Many others have the same concern. Click here to listen to Shelia's testimony at a COS hearing in So Carolina. Sheila: Testifies that the national debt will enslave our children and grandchildren
Our national debt, defined by the Treasury website as "total amount of outstanding borrowing by the U.S. Federal Government accumulated over the nation’s history" is immense! The Fiscal Data website reports in October 2024 the debt is $35.46 trillion with the percentage of federal spending for interest charged on these U.S. Federal Government liabilities at 14 percent; yet in 2022 that interest payment was only five percent of federal spending.
As a nurse whose career was solely in Pediatrics I have always been focused on the well-being of the next generation and their families. Being able to capture a picture of a group of young people visiting our booth at the Hasbrouck Heights Street Fair on June 2, 2024* provides hope for the future.
Education for the next generation about the US Constitution and founding principles for liberty is one essential objective in our COS outreach work, especially when we are out in the community. History was already Social Studies when I went to middle and high school and there were no courses in civics! How much more has the pure history of the United States been diluted over the years? Let us always provide American History with facts on the US Constitution whenever we meet children and youth at events. We can print a COS Activity-Book-for-Kids then add crayons, coloring pages with patriotic puzzles, mazes, etc. Paul Gneco, District Captain for LD39 created a wheel for the children to spin and choose their little gift. Families like these child friendly elements so readily come to visit us at our COS booths.
This article expands the boots on the ground strategies fundamental to preserving our Constitutional Freedoms for the next generations!
An Article V Amending Convention; a viable solution for fiscal restraints on the federal government.
Consider how the US debt of $35.46 trillion (2024) on our own shoulders and carried into the future to be upon those of our children, grandchildren and future generations underlies the need for fiscal restraints on the spending of the federal government. Any such restraints must be accomplished legally in a format that grants authority to we the people for implementation of the restrictions. Article V of the US Constitution empowers the legislatures of our states to draft such an Amendment and send it back to the fifty states for ratification. When three quarters of the states ratify it the Amendment will be a permanent component to our US Constitution. Amendments have a superior history of being followed and enforced.
We also have to strive to keep the local school districts under the authority of and accountable to their communities. Some COS volunteers also function as school board members, in NJ a non-partisan elected position. Call your Town Clerks office early next year to learn what seats are open for the 2025 Election cycle. Yearly one third of the School Board officers are elected.
Let us maintain constant vigilance in all efforts to restore our America to the principles of our founders; through study of true history, strengthening our families, expanding our work in COS, serving in local and county government, assisting in our places of worship and responsiveness to any opportunity to which we are called. These labors will take us to enjoyable and exciting places to effect change. To join us on the journey explore joining our COS volunteer team.
*A note on the Hasbrouck Heights Street Fair: this is the third year our own Jorge Risquet, DC for LD 38 aka Uncle Sam, has sponsored a NE COS booth at this festival, one of the main NJ larger one day fairs. It draws people from all over. We secure 90-100 petitions every year. Thank you Jorge for your perseverance in the cause. You are a keeper as well as the Hasbrouck Heights Street fair.
About your author: in 2018 Bob Nordin, my husband and I became Follow Up Team members to open 2 NJ Legislative Districts (LD). He became a Regional Captain for NE NJ and I a District Captain for LD 26, both in August 2020. I also am a COS State Content Writer (SCW) because I believe recording our work is a part of US History. Writing also provides occasion to assist in state wide communication needs and fellowship with other COS SCWs from other states.