The LGBTQIA+ alphabet is ever-growing and according to one pediatric doctor, it’s time to add “M” to that list, that is, “M” for “minotaurs.”
Diane Ehrensaft, an open advocate for the “gender revolution,” works at the Child and Adolescent Gender Center in San Francisco and “specializes in gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients.” In her book “The Gender Creative Child,” Ehrensaft writes that: “[A]n earthshaking explosion has been happening when it comes to gender…. Who is leading this revolution? Children who are nimbly pushing the boulders around, creating an ever-shifting terrain....”
Throughout her work, Ehrensaft argues that virtually no limits should exist on a child’s ability to experiment with gender. No matter where the LGBTQ+ movement leads, she recommends that we follow.
“[W]hat's good today will be politically incorrect tomorrow,” the doctor noted, predicting that we will eventually evolve beyond language such as "genderfluid," "non-binary" and "gender expansive," terms she helped coin. “So we'll just keep changing as we go."
For example, she said some kids might be gender “Priuses,” “boy in the front, and… girl in the back," or vice versa. Others, she said, are “Gender by Season,” meaning their gender changes from season to season (“School year girl, Summer boy”), or “Gender by Location.”
And then there are “Gender Minotaurs.” Similar to the Greek mythological creature, which had the head of a bull but the body of a man, these kids, Ehrensaft asserts, are one gender on top and another on the bottom.
She also added that “most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books.”
Ehrensaft’s fringe ideas are taking root in our schools and kids’ minds. She, quite literally, is leading them down a path of pure, imaginative fantasy. This is compounded by governmental support, as federal bodies back her "gender revolution" ideas in schools and communities nationwide.
The buttress against this madness is two-fold: first, we must reinspire self-governance. Responsible, self-governing parents are the single most important defense against the lies targeted at the next generation. Secondly, we must stop those lies from propagating outside of epicenters, such as San Francisco. The current trajectory sees radical concepts from select, far-left cities being imposed on the entire nation. Utilizing an Article V convention, it's possible to ensure that governmental actions align with constitutional limits, safeguarding future generations from these influences.
Unless we want our kids to grow up believing that they can identify as minotaurs and Priuses, we must begin taking these steps to protect them. By signing the Convention of States petition, we can collectively work toward preserving the values of our nation for the generations to come.
Radical professor says kids can identify as ‘minotaurs’
Published in Blog on August 16, 2023 by Jakob Fay