All fair-minded citizens of any political perspective are appalled by the waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government that is being uncovered and publicized by the Trump administration.
A breathtaking $4.7 trillion worth of payments from the Treasury Department simply vanished. Billions more of taxpayer monies have been funneled through non-government organizations (NGOs) and outfits such as the U.S. Agency for International Development that developed the bank accounts of career politicians and hacks quite well.
Agency capture by major pharmaceutical companies has made us the most medicated and least healthiest nation in the developed world. Institutional rot in the Pentagon has delivered generals with chests full of medals who prosecute endless wars that somehow embolden the very people set on destroying us.
It may be tempting to kick your feet up with a bowl of popcorn and simply watch as the commander in chief and DOGE send Swamp snakes and rats fleeing with panic. "The Donald, Elon, RFK and the rest have it covered," one might say. "America is great again."
That would be a serious mistake. Now more than ever is the time for an Article V convention that will discuss and propose amendments that will reaffirm first principles and set up guardrails to prevent such gluttony and decay from happening again.
While there has been much caterwauling from those who have long benefited from the corrupt operation of the federal government, members of Congress who have been around forever, entrenched bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and certain members of the judiciary will obstruct and retaliate.
The Trump administration's actions have largely been in the form of executive orders. But this is merely the latest set in what has become a bizarre match of Executive Order Tennis. While it may seem that Trump is serving ace after ace, a future administration more inclined toward corruption and avarice -- the kind of mindset about which the Founders warned and informed the language of the Constitution -- can undo it all in a few weeks.
Think it can't happen? History tells us that the winds of American electoral politics can shift rapidly. George H.W. Bush held a dizzying approval rating of 89 percent during the first Gulf War. A little over a year later, he had lost the presidency to a smooth-talking governor of a state that ranked at or near the bottom in nearly every vital statistic.
Political fortune is fickle, but there are certain points of deep and abiding agreement among the people.
Last autumn, amidst a most partisan presidential campaign, a remarkable poll released by the Susquehanna Polling and Research firm confirmed that 88 percent of Americans support fixed term limits and 71 percent believe that more restrictions need to be placed upon the federal government.
According to that same poll, 68 percent of Americans support a meeting of the states to discuss amending the Constitution to solidify federal fiscal responsibility, term limits, and limitations upon federal power.
A limited-purpose Article V convention will discuss and propose amendments that can deliver what a clear and strong majority of Americans want -- ousting the careerists who have been directly responsible for vanishing funds and lined pockets; directing the federal government to abide by guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; returning to the states responsibilities that the federal government had no business handling to begin with.
How does this come about?
"The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours," Theodore Roosevelt declared in a speech delivered in New York in 1902, "is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight; that he shall not be a mere passenger, but shall do his share in the work that each generation of us finds ready to hand..."
The administration is shining a bright light on the abuse of unlimited and unchecked federal power. Now is the perfect time for you to join the most effective grassroots movement dedicated to checking that power and empowering self-governance. Nineteen states have thus far made application to Congress to call an Article V convention. Only fifteen more need to agree for the convention to be called.
You now have ample ammunition to talk with your neighbors and friends about how an Article V convention can reaffirm and solidify the Constitution. You have the wherewithal to establish positive connections with your state representatives to persuade them to do the work that the Founders had in mind for them -- not only in the form of the Article V application, but through initiatives such as 34|Ready and F3 legislation that lays the groundwork for convention, and empowers the citizenry by reestablishing the principles of federalism.
Get involved, pull your weight, and do your share of the work that is ready to hand! Sign the petition below to offer your support, your time, and your talent for self-governance and an Article V convention to permanently rein in the federal government: