It doesn’t really matter who you are, or your political leanings—most Americans can see that our federal government is out of control, and at any given moment, is a threat to us all. We’re terrified of our federal government, no matter who’s in charge, which is why Convention of States should be a bipartisan issue.
All Americans should desire to see power brought back to their states, where decisions can be made closest to home.
That's why we’re thrilled to announce the Convention of States resolution has been introduced in Pennsylvania with bipartisan support, sponsored by Rep. Frank Burns, a Democrat, and Rep. Dawn Keefer, a Republican.
They wrote in their memorandum concerning Article V: “Today, the federal government makes too many of the policies left to the states under our Constitution. When policies are made closer to home, at the state level, regular citizens have far greater access to the process and an opportunity to have their voices heard and considered. Nationwide polling conducted by Trafalgar Group last year revealed that nearly 2/3s of the American people--across party lines--support a convention of the states for the topics stated in this resolution.”
Burns and Keefer go on to explain how an Article V Convention would work. They then note: “We are sure many of you frequently hear constituents expressing a desire for someone to “do something about that mess in Washington.” This resolution reflects our willingness as state legislators to exercise our proper role in protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States by using the constitutional “check” that was provided to us by our Founding Fathers to exercise control over a runaway federal government. I ask you to please join us in supporting this resolution.”
The grassroots in the Keystone State are hard at work to make Pennsylvania state #20 and are thrilled by Burns’ and Keefer’s support. To urge your state legislature to join us in supporting this important cause to save our country, sign the Convention of States petition below.
'Protecting and defending the Constitution': COS garners bipartisan support in Keystone State
Published in Blog on March 17, 2023 by Jakob Fay