California lawmakers voted 51-14 last week to call a convention under Article V of the Constitution with the exclusive aim of restricting Americans’ gun rights. Notably, California stands as the first and sole state to pursue such a convention. This initiative, spearheaded by Gov. Gavin Newsom, comes at the same time other states are relaxing their firearm laws, making America now a majority "constitutional carry" nation.
Convention of States Action has roundly criticized the Golden State’s proposal for a gun control amendment, pointing out that “there is mathematically no way” such an amendment would ever pass.
“This announcement by Governor Newsom is a publicity stunt with absolutely no basis in reality,” declared Convention of States President Mark Meckler. “Governor Newsom clearly does not understand the most basic mechanics of an Article 5 convention, as given to us by our founding fathers in the Constitution.”
“According to the Constitution, Mr. Newsom needs 34 state legislatures to support a resolution calling for a convention of states to meet and propose his specific amendment to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans."
“The math just doesn’t work,” Meckler added. “Newsom cannot find 34 states to back this proposal. Currently, 27 states have Constitutional Carry—also known as permitless carry—and 24 states allow [citizens] to carry… inside the state legislature. How do you get to 34 states willing to limit the 2nd Amendment, let alone the 38 states required to ratify?”
Interestingly, even Californians who support Newsom’s fanciful gun grab admit that the proposal is impractical. According to the Los Angeles Times, the so-called “Right to Safety” amendment is “unattainable.” Robert A. Schapiro, dean of the University of San Diego School of Law, dismissed the effort, noting that “the United States Constitution is extremely hard to amend.” Lara Smith, a self-described liberal activist, called it “really frustrating… because we all know this is never gonna happen. I think it's grandstanding, and I find it offensive.”
“The likelihood of this happening is basically nil,” concurred Mike Madrid, a political consultant in the state. “Serious constitutional scholars and historians realize that it’s dangerous, but as a crass political tool, it makes all the sense in the world…. This helps [Newsom] win a Democratic primary."
In stark contrast to California's phony proposal, the Convention of States application for an Article V convention is limited to topics of broad consensus, including term limits for federal officials—an idea supported by 70 percent of voters, according to recent Rasmussen polling. Additionally, our proposal actually has a chance of passing, with 19 states already onboard.
The best way to stop Newsom’s ill-conceived scheme from ever gaining traction in Congress, where lawmakers can introduce gun control amendments any day, is to convene an Article V convention under our resolution. This would ensure that the entire Constitution, including the Second Amendment, remains intact and fortified.
To stand with numerous proud Second Amendment advocates in endorsing this constitutional remedy against government overreach and tyranny, please sign the Convention of States petition below.
Newsom blasted for 'unattainable' Article V scheme and gun grab
Published in Blog on September 18, 2023 by Jakob Fay