President Trump’s first two months in office have been unprecedented.
Depending on your political persuasion, that’s either a good or bad thing.
Trump 2.0 has either been your worst nightmare or a dream come true.
But here’s one thing all Americans can agree about: Trump’s second term has proven that presidential politics are, at this point, entirely transient.
If you rejoiced at Biden’s accomplishments, Trump has been a terror. If you hated Biden, Trump has been a relief.
The American people shouldn’t have to live in constant fear of the president’s pen. The Founders never meant for it to be this way. Rather than settling for an endless tug-of-war between our chief executives — a dangerous power struggle in which permanent change is rendered impracticable — it’s time for the We the People to agree to rob the corrupt federal government of its undue power.
President Trump is hard at work shrinking the size of the federal government. But even if DOGE succeeds, the change is unlikely to last.
Power tends to corrupt — and grow. Greedily, it unfurls its tentacles over everything and everyone within its grasp. Soon, if it has its way, nothing will exist outside its control. Even if Trump manages to slow the train, future conductors will almost certainly accelerate it, pushing forward at full speed to compensate for lost time.
For this reason, thousands of Americans have signed an open letter to President Trump, urging him to support the call for an Article V convention to “cement a legacy of freedom that will last beyond your term, protecting the liberties and prosperity of future generations.”
Earlier this week, Newsmax aired a short segment featuring a voter’s plea for the president to incorporate a few of his most important agenda items directly into the U.S. Constitution “so … they could not be changed easily.”
Of course, Trump cannot unilaterally do this. However, as Newsmax explained, the groundwork has already been laid for the president to come alongside We the People and the nation's largest grassroots organization in support of amending the Constitution to restore self-governance and the Founders’ vision for a limited federal authority.
The Founding Fathers designed this process to weed out dangerous, overly partisan amendments. It takes 34 states to call a convention and 38 to ratify anything the convention proposes, meaning only amendments with broad, bipartisan support stand any chance of passing. Although many of the amendments mentioned in the video above may not survive the rigorous ratification process, the issues raised by Convention of States — fiscal restraints, term limits, and additional checks on federal power — have already garnered support across party lines, uniting Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike.
Regardless of how we voted in November, we should all want to bring power back to the American people. Trump has promised to do that, but it remains to be seen whether his commitment can outlast Washington’s inevitable bent toward amassing more control.
In either case, we shouldn’t consign this historic work to the president alone. The Founders entrusted the Article V convention process as close to the people as possible. If, indeed, the time has come to legally debar the federal government from controlling our lives, we must lead that charge.
Sign the Convention of States petition below to show your support!