Swamp monsters don't get much bigger than Joe Biden, and a new poll from Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group shows that Americans are beginning to catch on.
According to the poll, a whopping 56% of Americans -- including 65% of Independents -- believe the Biden's business interests in Ukraine present a conflict of interest as he attempts to navigate the Russia/Ukraine war.
"The American people are ahead of the curve and ahead of the news media, as always. Biden has a conflict of interest in regard to Ukraine, and the American people know it," Mark Meckler told the Capitol Report. "After decades of Hunter Biden profiting off his father's name... President Biden is probably the most conflicted president in modern American history. The American people are very aware of this despite the media's attempt to obfuscate."
We can try to elect a better president in 2024, but here's the honest truth: we can't trust the future of our country to one man or woman. The president has far too much power, which makes any potential conflict of interest disastrous to our country.
The only way to limit the president's power is for the states to call an Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States is controlled by the states, not the federal government, and has the power to propose constitutional amendments.
These amendments can limit the power, scope, and jurisdiction of all three branches of the federal government, including the president. Amendments can be written that ban executive orders, limit the power of every executive federal agency, and return that power where it belongs: with the people and the states.
To join the movement, sign the petition below!