Sixteen young adults embarked on a 9-month internship program this week in the Convention of States organization's Emerging Leaders Program (ELP), fueled by the aid of our tremendous grassroots supporters.
Spanning from east coast states including New Hampshire, New York, and Virginia to western states like Texas, Arizona and California, the newest ELP group is one of the largest to date. The 16 admitted interns stood atop a sea of applicants, which was the most competitive admissions process in the program's history.
"The Emerging Leaders Program serves to cultivate in this next generation the leaders needed to take up the torch of freedom and hold it higher than ever before," said ELP Senior Coordinator Reagan Green. "While working for COS as an ELP intern, you are immersed in a learning environment that pushes you towards fundamental truth, and the duty of an American citizen to ensure freedom lasts for the next generation. We are proud to have our interns on board, they are all here for a reason!"
In the first week, the interns completed training calls and education on the status and mission of the organization. Will Zwart is a new intern from Maryland who has been working with his state team for three years. As a part of this year's intern class, Zwart said he's excited to support the grassroots teams, gain essential skills, and dive deeper into American history, culture, and politics.
"There are many groups out there fighting for freedom, but COS is the only one that’s using the constitutional solution the Founders gave us," explained Zwart, a graduate of Patriot Academy. "I’m grateful to GOD for this opportunity, because I feel it’s going to be invaluable in both the long and short term."
The Emerging Leaders Program is made possible through generous supporters of the Convention of States grassroots movement. We thank all of our donors for supporting ELP, and as a result, raising up the next generation of intelligent, liberty-minded leaders.
To show your support for Convention of States and the next generation of self-governing leaders, add your name to the petition below.