Taxpayer dollars are yet again being misused by our federal government, this time funding a considerable amount of Planned Parenthood’s revenue in 2022.
Over the past four years, Planned Parenthood's revenue grew 16%, according to The Center Square. While its revenue has increased, so has government funding, which rose about $90 million from 2016 to 2021. The government directed over $633 million to the abortion provider in 2021.
The organization operates with a $1.71 billion revenue as of 2021, and it seems to only be rising.
The financial details of the company are enlightening, considering taxpayer funding has added up to 37% of Planned Parenthood’s revenue over the past four years.
Meanwhile, performed abortions continue to rise while adoption referrals decline. From 2016 to 2021, PP abortions grew 19% to 383,460.
It seems there's a direct correlation between government funding and a rise in the abortion of babies, an objectionable effort on the part of our federal government. Funding non-profit organizations like Planned Parenthood is not a job for our federal government to take on, and not something Americans’ hard-earned dollars should be used for.
This is an especially hot topic due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, considering the Biden administration is advocating for the sheltering of pregnant migrant children in “abortion safe” states in order to perform abortions on them in America.
During the Trump administration, performing abortions on pregnant migrant children was considered unconstitutional without director approval, but the Biden administration considers this a healthcare must.
One wonders if the federal government ought to provide funding to all kinds of nonprofits so as to not show its preferential treatment, such as Convention of States Action. Why stop with Planned Parenthood?
Of course, there are always strings attached to government money. Funding a large amount of Planned Parenthood’s revenue is a waste to taxpayers, immoral, and not what our tax dollars should be used on.
Money mismanagement can be aided through the work of Convention of States Action.
Join the COS efforts to limit the aggressive overstep of the federal government's bounds by signing the petition below.