This week’s Midweek Mood Check finds that Americans are worried about the impact universities and professors have on shaping the perception of America among the younger generation.
As college students protest on campuses across the nation in response to the Middle East conflict, 37% of voters say that colleges have been too lenient in criticizing professors who support Hamas and attack Israel, according to a Scott Rasmussen National Survey conducted October 23-24. Additionally, 20% of respondents felt that colleges have been too harsh in criticizing these professors.
The Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee authored a letter, originally co-signed by 33 other Harvard student organizations, that attributed responsibility for the ongoing violence to the Israeli government. Protests have occurred on several college campuses, including New York University, Tulane University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Cooper Union in New York City, where Jewish students resorted to locking themselves inside a library as Palestinian protestors marched through the building.
Roughly 43% of voters express concerns about the teaching and culture prevalent in leading colleges and universities, perceiving it as promoting a negative view of America's core values. In contrast, about 32% believe that college education generally conveys a positive perspective.
However, Michael Farris, a homeschool champion and co-founder of COS, challenges this perception. He contends that, aside from a few exceptional cases, "most colleges and universities believe and teach that America’s founding was illegitimate. Opinion polls are not how we decide if this is true or not."
“My statement is objectively true and can be proven,” he asserted. “I am just grateful that 43% of Americans have their eyes open and see the truth. I hope they send their kids and their money to those rare schools that uphold the legitimacy of our country.”
Farris explained that those who hate America also hate Israel. He said we should not be surprised at the disgraceful anti-semitism on campuses because hatred toward Israel “comes from the same polluted well that teaches hatred toward the American founding.”
The poor view of America’s university system comes as The Washington Post reports that homeschooling is the fastest-growing form of education in America. Homeschooling was 45% higher in the 2022-2023 academic year than in 2017-2018, and The Post’s fear-stoking report warned that this “largely unregulated form of schooling is no longer a fringe practice.”
That’s because Americans are disgusted by the results of public education indoctrination.
SEE ALSO: Americans expect WWIII to unfold
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This Counterpolling™ survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on October 23-24, 2023. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. Certain quotas were applied, and the sample was lightly weighted by geography, gender, age, race, education, internet usage, and political party to reasonably reflect the nation’s population of Registered Voters. Other variables were reviewed to ensure that the final sample is representative of that population.
The margin of sampling error for the full sample is +/- 3.1 percentage points.
This survey was paid for by RMG Research, Inc. as part of the service provided for our Gold Circle Members.