Days after the horrendous shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, former Fox News anchor and podcast host Megyn Kelly is speaking out against the "knee-jerk" gun-grabbing response regurgitated in political spheres.
A mentally sick woman, who identified as a transgender man, shot and killed six people inside the school, three staff members and three nine-year-old students.
During her Tuesday radio show, Kelly, who has a nine-year-old son, described her concerns for our society and insisted on real discussions instead of the go-to gun control talk.
“There’s something wrong with our society, and I for one am f***ing sick of the knee-jerk — ‘It’s the guns. Get the guns,’” she declared. “We have 330 million guns, it may be over 400 million by some counts in America. They’re not going away. We could do an assault weapons ban tomorrow. They’re not going away. All right? We have to take a serious, honest look at what’s wrong with us.”
Meanwhile, politicians like Rep. Nany Pelosi quickly pounced at the chance to bring legislation to the table surrounding gun bans. During a Tuesday night interview, she said it's time to save lives by passing an assault weapons ban.
Taking into consideration the millions of assault weapons owned by law-abiding citizens, Kelly approached saving lives in the opposite manner.
“In the wake of these tragedies, I don’t want to say all the time, but too often we see copycats. I know I’m worried about it, I’m sure every parent out there is worried about it right now. And if you don’t have a lot of security at your school, now’s the time to beef up, right now.”
Increasing security allows the good guy to stop the bad guy, whereas increasing government regulation hinders the good guy while enabling the bad guy. Criminals don't follow the laws now and they aren't going to start if gun control laws are passed.
Highlighting the brave police officers who stopped the shooter in her tracks, Kelly said their incredible courage "makes you proud as can be of our law enforcement.”
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