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Convention of States!


Massachusetts COS Does it Again

Published in Blog on February 14, 2024 by Matt May

Twice as nice!

Thanks to a well-coordinated, dedicated, and extraordinary effort on the part of the Massachusetts Convention of States team (MA COS), the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has favorably passed the Convention of States resolution, H. 3541, for the second legislative session in a row.

Massachusetts thus becomes the first "blue" state in the union to pass a COS resolution out of committee for a second time.

The favorable, bipartisan vote by a committee comprised mostly of Democrats again proves state co-director and COS Regional Director Michael Arnold's oft-stated assertion that the commonwealth "is and always has been a thought and action leader when it comes to Constitutional matters."

As was the case the last time around, the triumph is the latest example of the grassroots army in action.

Undeterred by bitter cold and snow, over 20 members of the team made their way to the State House in Boston on January 16 to publicly testify to their support for an Article V convention of states. Those who were unable to travel testified remotely. COSA co-founder and senior advisor Michael Farris also testified via video conference.

As during the previous legislative session, the MA COS team educated, edified, and reasoned with great clarity and unity of purpose. They explained the non-partisan nature of Article V and outlined the important role that state legislators play in the process. 

Massachusetts state representative and Article V resolution chief co-sponsor Steven G. Xiarhos summed up the team's testimony in favor of H.3541 at the state capitol in a text sent to Arnold the next day:

"Yesterday was one of the GREATEST days of my career. You people CRUSHED it like no one has ever done! I was BEAMING inside!"

The impressive showing was borne of countless hours of diligent, weekly practice by MA COS volunteers who committed to testifying and followed through with enthusiastic dedication. 

"The MA COS team takes the committee hearing seriously," said Regional Director Haley Shaw. "They practiced every week on Sundays starting early September...that practice paid off with polished and professional testimony."

Additionally -- and just as importantly -- the team carried out various missions that began with the end of the previous legislative session to encourage COS volunteers and supporters to contact their legislators on the committee via phone, email, and handwritten letters and postcards to urge passage of the resolution. 

MA COS legislative director and district captain Mark Marshall helped other team leaders and volunteers organize and meet with legislators in person in various districts and during the highly successful Surge Day at the State House in September 2023.

The resolution now moves for broader consideration by the General Court.

While getting the resolution to the floor for debate by the broader legislature will be difficult and perhaps at times frustrating, the MA COS team will redouble its efforts to communicate with legislators and supporters alike to take advantage of the momentum, working to add Massachusetts to the roll call of states that have approved a resolution calling for an Article V convention of states.

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