On October 20, the Massachusetts Convention of States (MA COS) team reached a significant milestone when Judith Sullivan of Harwich became the 27,000th Bay Stater to sign the COS petition.
Hitting 27,000 is the culmination of a team goal. It is the yield of a great deal of effort by several members of the team, who have been working their contacts, holding regular local meetings, and sustaining the momentum generated from the team’s Surge Day at Beacon Hill in September.
All the while, the team has been holding weekly practice sessions to prepare to testify in support of the COS resolution – H 3541 – during the current session of the Massachusetts General Court.
The General Court is required to give notice to citizens wishing to testify only 72 hours prior to a hearing. As was the case during the previous session, the MA COS team is committed to being fully prepared to immediately make the case for an Article V convention when called by the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, to which the resolution has been referred.
While everyone associated with the MA COS team is elated to have reached 27,000 petition signers, the drive for 28,000 and even 30,000 has already begun. As state co-director and regional director, Michael Arnold wrote in a congratulatory message to the MA COS team:
“NOW more than EVER the utter incompetence of Washington is on display. People are rightfully upset and looking for an answer. You all know we have the solution as big as the problem. But do your neighbors know?”
No doubt, the dedicated and determined MA COS volunteer activists will make sure that they do. To add your name to the list of petition signers and join the movement for an Article V convention to rein in the federal government, click here.