Dr. Kevin Roberts, President of The Heritage Foundation, officially endorsed Convention of States on Wednesday, urging states and fellow conservatives to support us in our mission to call the first-ever Article V convention. This landmark announcement follows closely on the heels of The Heritage Foundation, the nation’s leading conservative think tank, publishing a lengthy pro-COS memorandum, praising the grassroots initiative.
“Washington, D.C. is fundamentally broken and it's past time we look outside the Swamp for answers,” Roberts stated in his endorsement. “Providentially, the Founding Fathers wrote Article V into the U.S. Constitution as a backstop to the tyrannical rule we see from the Federal Government today.”
Pursuant to Article V, 34 states are needed to convene a convention. To date, 19 states have officially joined the movement, with resolutions pending in several more. Roberts’ support is invaluable in these states, where we continue to champion our legislation to an audience of lawmakers.
“We have a limited window of opportunity left to save our Republic,” Roberts cautioned. “I call on the states to pass the Convention of the States resolution, which just might be our last best hope.”
Earlier this year, at a COS at Home webinar, Kevin Roberts revealed that his organization had come to a final opinion about Convention of States after careful review and consideration, teasing future collaboration between the two organizations: “This is something that I know a lot, if not a vast majority, of our [grassroots activists] have been interested in helping,” he said. “They’ve been waiting for… The Heritage Foundation… to determine a clearer stance on that project, which we have done in just the last several weeks.”
Last week’s legal memo from The Heritage Foundation, titled “Reconsidering the Wisdom of an Article V Convention of the States,” by constitutional scholar John Malcom, confirmed that the respected organization had decided in favor of Convention of States. Quoting at length from Theodore Roosevelt’s famous “Man in the Arena” speech, Malcolm closed his paper with a powerful injunction: “The organizers of the Convention of the States movement embody this spirit. Perhaps the rest of us should too.”
Convention of States is honored to receive The Heritage Foundation’s full support and to welcome Kevin Roberts to our ever-growing list of endorsers. To join these two conservative powerhouses in calling an Article V convention, sign the Convention of States petition today at conventionofstates.com.
'Last best hope': Dr. Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation President, announces groundbreaking endorsement
Published in Blog on November 01, 2023 by Jakob Fay