Popular conservative commentator and onetime California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder recently penned a powerful op-ed in support of an Article V Convention of States.
Elder wrote of the critical state of our union, warning against both sides’ unwillingness to do anything that could actually lead to meaningful improvements in Washington. Whether Republicans or Democrats hold office, the power and jurisdiction of the federal government only seems to grow.
Elder explained:
“Both parties spend. But campaigning to reduce, let alone take away programs is political suicide. And there is increasingly less discussion or even concern about the growing national debt. The only path forward is to tie the hands of Congress through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that fixes government spending to a set percentage of our gross domestic product, with exceptions for war or natural disasters.”
If Washington, D.C. refuses to address the issues that most threaten our future, we ourselves must take action. We can no longer afford to wait for some political party or establishment to correct our nation’s current course, for as Larry Elder documents extensively in his article, none seem willing to do so.
Thankfully, Elder has recognized the importance of calling a convention. “Under the Constitution, Article V allows states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments,” he wrote. “Thirty-four states must agree to do so. Last month, South Carolina joined, putting the number of states calling for a convention at 19. More than halfway there. It’s our only hope to stop the spending rampage.”
Larry Elder is just one of many Americans who supports using Article V of the constitution to call a convention of the states. From Ben Shapiro to Governor Ron Desantis to a massive army of grassroots activists, millions of freedom-loving patriots who are sick and tired of politics as usual have thrown their full support behind calling a convention.
Join them and sign the petition!
And read Larry Elder’s entire article here.