Italian citizens are in for a hot summer as the government is planning to implement a new energy rule that will limit air conditioning usage in an effort to reduce energy dependence on Russia, a prime example of why America must become energy independent.
Italy imports 95 percent of its gas, of which 40 percent comes from Russia. But with the Ukrainian-Russian conflicts, Italy is trying to limit its reliance on Putin’s regime.
Schools and other public offices will only be allowed to cool buildings to 25 degrees celsius – 77 degrees fahrenheit – with fines up to around $3,000 for not complying. The measure will go into effect on May 1 and will last until March 31, 2023.
“Do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?” Prime Minister Mario Draghi asked earlier this month.
The rule intends to save between two to four billion cubic meters of gas in 2022 - roughly the same amount as the average yearly gas consumption of 2.7 million homes – and could one day extend to private homes.
Imagine if this were the scenario in the United States. Where public facilities under law were forced to ration air conditioning usage because of complete dependence on foreign assistance.
This is a whole new level of government control. If they can control energy usage, can’t they control anything else that would be better off conserved for the good of the people?
This goes to show that when it comes to not just energy production but also the production of medicines, foods and technology, it’s best to have resources right here in America so that accessibility is never drastically impacted by foreign issues.
Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, we could potentially be put into a similar situation because America is no longer energy independent.
Too much government control can potentially leave people stranded with no real choice for how to live independently. That’s why the federal government’s overall power needs to be limited.
A Convention of States can help assure this same situation does not happen in the U.S.
Under Article V of the Constitution, a convention can be called to implement term limits and fiscal restraints on the federal government as well as address its overreaching powers.
If you plan to blast your air conditioning this summer and you support the Convention of States Project, sign the petition below.
Italy is a Prime Example of Why America Must Become Energy Independent
Published in Blog on April 28, 2022 by Silence Dogood