Tom Konesky knew something was wrong. He knew the country was off course and in trouble. But what to do about it? How to get America back on track?
Such questions weighed on Tom’s mind, but he never could have imagined where his political journey would take him in less than a year.
“After the 2020 election, getting more frustrated with… the direction of our government, I got tired of complaining on social media and on the internet about how, in my view, the country was going in the wrong direction,” he told me. He confessed that it came with a feeling of hopelessness.
“What can I do? I’m one person.”
Tom recalled that Convention of States (COS) was “always in the back of my mind,” and that he had a general idea of what it was. But when he was invited to attend a meeting explaining Convention of States at his local District Captain’s home, he jumped at the opportunity. “It’s time for me to try to do something, or just shut up and don’t complain, don’t worry, just live life and forget about what’s going on,” he said, describing what prompted him to attend the meeting.
Upon learning more, he decided that Convention of States was right for him. No more would he only complain on social media; he would actually make a difference. Volunteering for his Michigan state team, Tom helped man a pro-COS booth at a gun show, collecting petition signers even as he mulled over the possibility of doing even more.
Ultimately, he decided to run for precinct delegate, a position he won on election day in 2022. He believes getting more involved and building relationships on the precinct level is an important part of advancing COS.
“There are many, many new people engaged at the precinct delegate level, at the grassroots level [who] want to see change, and are really tired and fed up with the same ol' same ol' we have at Washington,” elucidated Tom, optimistically. “I think the passion coming from the new people… that’s a shining light. That gives me great hope this can be accomplished.”
“You almost have royalty,” he later added, “in our country, in corrupt, career politicians. They act like they’re royalty. I think if you asked most people they would agree it’s almost like there are two sets of rules in this country. You have our corrupt, career politicians who get away with doing what they want when they want. No repercussions. And then you have us ‘normal’ people.”
“What motivates me to stay in this is to see that [double standard] wiped out,” Tom concluded. He noted that the federal government acts like an elitist cartel, and outsiders feel powerless to make a difference.
And that’s why a Convention of States is so desperately needed.
In less than a year, Tom Konesky went from being an interested spectator to a devoted fighter; a dissatisfied complainer to an enthusiastic difference maker. His story reminds us that in America, government by the people is still our best bet. Rather than let the political establishment dictate us, patriots like Tom are hard at work to dictate, control, and ultimately rein in the political establishment.
To join Tom and an additional five million patriots in support of Convention of States, sign the petition below, and get involved today!
Interested spectator to devoted fighter; Tom Konesky's POWERFUL COS Story
Published in Blog on February 09, 2023 by Jakob Fay