Mark Levin was the keynote speaker at the Convention of States 2022 Leadership Summit Awards Dinner in Orlando, Florida. During his speech he described the state of our society and suggested that the only way to fix Washington D.C. was through Article V of the US Constitution.
Article V provides two ways to amend the document. The first is through congress. The second is through the state legislatures. When 2/3 of the states pass an identical resolution, that triggers a convention. At the convention the wording of the amendments will be determined by the state delegates. The first of three proposed amendment topics is term-limits on federal government officials; second, fiscal responsibility; third, restore some of the power taken away from the states.
A few weeks later I happened to catch Mark Levin’s Sunday night show. He was fired up about what I would call a “Political Culture” that seems to have taken over our country.
Levin outlined some beliefs and goals of this alternate culture:
- Rewrite history according to the 1619 Project
- Teach that the Revolutionary War was about slavery, dismissing the 27 grievances the colonist had against King George
- “Pack” the Supreme Court because they don’t believe in separation of powers
- Elect District Attorneys, heavily supported financially by George Soros, who refuse to enforce the rule of law
- Allow social media to cancel people the progressives don’t agree with
- Label churches as unessential during covid lock downs
- Misuse warrants to attack political opponents
- Ignore the DOJ and FBI attacks on political opponents
- Weaken the family structure by arguing that teachers know what’s best for children such as Critical Race Theory, trans-gendering our children without consulting the parents, women athletes having to compete with biological males.
When you read the above points, do you think our country has lost its moral compass? Is it not obvious that Washington D.C. is broken? The structure no longer has the checks and balances our founders believed were necessary to prevent tyranny from happening.
We know from history that power corrupts. The number one goal of our current elected officials in D.C. is to get re-elected. That is the definition of a politician. What we need more than ever are statesmen. Those are elected officials who care more about the future generation than they do about getting re-elected.
If our structure in D. C. is broken, what are We the People to do? Is there an answer anywhere?
YOU BET THERE IS! It’s called Convention of States. And you can join us in the fight by signing the petition and consider making a financial donation. Your country needs you!