If the government had its way, we’d all be vaccinated and triple-boosted by now.
And those of us who dared demur would be without livelihoods.
Such is the way of our benevolent Big Brother who means only to “take care of us.”
Since early 2020, the federal government has used COVID-19 as a front for coercing the American people into compliance. President Joe Biden, in particular, has erected unconstitutional mandates to punish those who failed to inject experimental drugs into their bodies. Many of these mandates, on both the state and federal level, have since been struck down.
This week, the House of Representatives further dismantled the government’s web of mandates, voting 227-201 to end the vaccine mandate for foreign travelers. According to Reuters, the “requirement that most foreign air travelers be vaccinated against COVID-19,” is “one of the few remaining pandemic travel restrictions still in place.”
The legislation, authored by Rep. Thomas Massie, will now make its way to the U.S. Senate where its chances of passing seem slim.
“What’s the logic of having a vaccine mandate on legal international travelers but not on the millions of people who are pouring across our border,” Massie asked on the House floor.
“They bleat on and on about democracy,” he said of his bill’s opponents. “Imagine... working so hard to get elected, preaching about democracy, and then getting here and saying… the bureaucrats are probably more qualified….”
He argued that America needs to “join the rest of the free world” and end this “ridiculous, illogical, unscientific” decree.
The House’s vote is a step in the right direction, but considering only seven Democrats signed on in the House, it seems unlikely that the bill will pass out of the Democrat-controlled Senate.
But why is it that Congress is so stubborn to relinquish control? Drunk on power, they would rather abuse their authority than watch compulsory mandates die. This is why, no matter how many good votes Congress casts, it will never be enough. A force outside of Congress must act upon the federal government to end its abuse.
And that’s exactly why the states are rallying together to call an Article V Convention of States where We the People, by the Constitution, could rein in the power and jurisdiction of the U.S. government once and for all. Nineteen states have already passed resolutions calling for a Convention, and several more are currently considering legislation. The Founders gave us this tool for such a time as this. If we want not only to end current abuses of power but also to ensure that Washington is never again allowed to mandate medical tyranny, we must call an Article V Convention of States.
To show your support, sign the petition below.
House votes to end foreign travel vax mandate
Published in Blog on February 09, 2023 by Jakob Fay