The Internal Revenue Service could be out $70 billion and could no longer be able to expand the federal agency to a whole new, massive level after the House voted to cut funding.
The House kicked off its session by passing the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act on Monday with a vote of 221-210. If it passes the Senate, the act would prevent the IRS from using the funds passed in last year's Inflation Reduction Act, ultimately barring the agency from conducting new audits and encroaching on Americans' finances.
The Inflation Reduction Act allotted $80 billion to the IRS over 10 years to crack down on tax evasion, which means the agency would still be provided with $10 billion.
If the federal government was actually concerned with monitoring financial compliance, the first thing they would do is investigate their fellow co-workers in Congress who magically buy and sell stocks at the perfect time over and over again. This past fall, a bill to ban members of Congress from trading stocks failed to make it to a floor vote, not shocking to anyone.
Although the House reversal of IRS funds is great news for Americans, it's not the complete and long-term solution to federal government abuses – especially since it still needs the approval of the Democrat-controlled Senate. We know that every two years, the House of Representatives changes and can alter the direction of the nation in a matter of seconds.
While people say it's up to voters on Election Day, it's truly up to the grassroots across America to decide if an even greater step should be taken to change the structure of our abusive government. Convention of States is working to make structural improvements to the system through an Article V convention.
Please join us in calling for a Convention of States to prevent power-seeking bureaucrats from taking over our lives through government expansion. Sign the COS petition below.