Grandpa sometimes experiences "McConnelling" episodes and he gets confused and has moments of forgetfulness. His family is concerned about his health, so they bring up a touchy subject: putting Grandpa in the U.S. Senate.
The family suggests Grandpa run for U.S. Senate. They mention that he doesn't have to serve the full term, but he will find people his own age to socialize with while getting the care and support he needs daily.
"You get confused. You forget where you are. You fall down. You need to go someplace where they can take care of you. Where people your age go. We think it's time for you to run for U.S. Senate," his family members suggest.
The Babylon Bee describes the unfortunate situation Grandpa is in: "It's something millions of Americans will wrestle with at some point in their lives. Parents and grandparents get older and eventually, the family has to make a tough call. Is grandpa safe to live on his own, or is it best if he's around people his own age in the United States Senate?"
Do you think Grandpa will get the best care while in the Senate? Likely so, which is all the more reason for Convention of States. While the elderly deserve good care, the American people don't deserve "McConnelling" elected officials. It's time we call an Article V convention.
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