Most Americans agree that the federal government is too big, too powerful, and too corrupt.
But not everyone knows what to do about it. Some believe that voting for the "right people" will rein in federal power, so they volunteer for elections and campaigns.
Others understand that we've tried voting for the "right people," and it hasn't worked. Washington has simply grown larger, more powerful, and more corrupt.
Fortunately, the Founders gave us a way to fix Washington that doesn't rely on the good will of our "leaders" in D.C. An Article V Convention of States gives We the People the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit federal power, impose term limits on federal officials, mandate fiscally responsibility in Congress.
As TheBlaze radio host Glenn Beck said on a recent eiposide of his show, a Convention of States can "actually change things."
"We can beat it, but we're running out of time. A Convention of States is the best thing we could do," he said. "Go to You should get very active in that."
"The Founders gave us Article V, and they said that when things get so out of hand and Washington will not respond, then the people have to gather in their own states."
Ready to join Glenn and 5 million other patriots? Sign the petition below!