The attack on white men continues. This time the Department of Health and Human Services is sending $40,000 to help fund a three-year project at New York University to figure out why “white males represent the default person.”
Titled “Societal assumptions regarding typical personhood and their effects on reasoning development,” the study will seek to uncover data that supposedly shows kids “favor Whiteness and maleness over other identities.”
Apparently there’s too many of “them” and they are apparently so overrepresented that we need to fund studies to figure out why they exist.
The project claims this belief is a pattern “rooted in the ideologies of androcentrism (centering the experiences of men) and ethnocentrism (centering the experiences of white people) prevalent in the United States.” Researchers have until January 2025 to provide results pertaining to these preferred identities.
This may be a shock to the feds, but the majority of America is made up of caucasians – it’s an undeniable fact. So what are they really hoping to uncover in the study? Maybe how to inhibit the success of the white man…
“Despite national rises in racial and gender diversity, white men remain vastly overrepresented across a host of domains within the U.S., from media to politics, to clinical research,” the project summary reads. “Such overrepresentation poses severe costs to the rest of society.”
Assumptions, stereotypes and gender norms are no longer acceptable. You can no longer critically think, and you most definitely can’t forget to use a person’s “preferred pronouns.” Characterization is almost entirely bad, with one exception: white men. Then you can characterize all you want as long as they seem conservative.
The entire university system is a disaster and the ties between these colleges and the progressives in the federal government is detrimental to the continued success of students. The brainwashing is clear, and it’s outright intentional and sad.
American culture is constantly shamed to the point that we have no culture left. Americans are now taught to believe that we are not diverse enough, but looking around the globe, it’s really unnecessary to shame a population for having a dominant race or ethnicity when that’s the case in almost the entire world.
It’s a division tactic, and it’s working. It’s also an extreme waste of time and money on the part of the federal government, but they know what they’re doing.
That’s why Convention of States is working to counter the overreaching, overspending government with an actual solution.
Using Article V of the Constitution, we can say “enough is enough” to the frauds in Washington and get our nation back on track socially and economically. Sign the petition to show your support for a convention.
Feds direct $40k to NYU to study overrepresenation of white males
Published in Blog on July 11, 2022 by COS Staff Writer