Does it even matter anymore who is President? It may sound like a silly question, but with the unyielding Executive Orders, it is a serious one. Executive Orders seem like the norm of governing these days. We have become all too familiar with the ever-so-frequent Executive Order.
Presidential Executive Orders are as fleeting as they are unconstitutional. Donald Trump overturned many Obama-era Executive Orders, and four years of Trump Executive Orders were erased in days at the beginning of the Biden Administration.
We need impactful corrections to the overreaching systems of government. No more legislation by “a pen and a phone,” nor from the Judicial bench. We hold the power to propose and implement lasting changes, and we do not have to win an election or ask permission to assert the power that belongs to us. It is called Article V and every citizen should understand its liberty preserving provision.
At this point, we cannot expect the Congressional, Judiciary or the Executive branches of our government to preserve our liberty. Quite frankly, they caused the issues that our country is currently struggling through.
However, the most powerful branch of government can – We The People. Runaway spending, taxation and government bloat can easily be reined in by holding an Article V Convention.
Fiscal restraints, term limits for federal officials, and limitations on overreach are within our power by crafting Constitutional Amendments that have wide appeal, agreement and acceptance. We cannot give up on the greatest Republic ever crafted by man. But we need to do some work to correct the path of liberty.
It certainly matters who is President, but what matters more is that We the People keep our voice in the process of preserving liberty.