Washington's reckless spending is threatening to bankrupt the future of our children and grandchildren. As a long-time champion of the American family, Dr. James Dobson takes our nation's finances seriously, and last year he became an official endorser of the only organization that can effectively address the national debt: the Convention of States Project.
Dr. Dobson recently spoke with Convention of States Senior Advisor Sen. Tom Coburn about how an Article V Convention could lower the deficit, shrink the debt, and save the financial future of our nation.
In Part I of this two-part series, Sen. Coburn outlined many of the most serious fiscal problems in D.C.
"You know, all these government programs are actually declining, so why?" Sen. Coburn asked. "Because the government is highly inefficient, because it has multitudes of hundreds of billions of dollars of duplication. Just give you an example, I raised a stink on job training programs. There were 46 of them. I went around the country, we looked at them. What we found and the government accountability office found is job training programs don't work run by the federal government. What they do do is employ people in job training, but nobody gets any long life term benefits out of it.
"So, the House comes up with a reform package. Guess what? They eliminated two of the programs. So, ask yourself, why do we need 45 job training programs in America? First of all, that should be a state function. It shouldn't be a federal function. Which brings us all the way back to why we need to do what we're going to talk about, is if you read the Constitution, you will read the enumerated powers. That's what our founders gave as the role for the federal government. And what they said is everything else is reserved for the people in the states. And we're not anywhere close to what our founders intended to be."
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