What's the long-term trajectory of this country? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the incentives in Washington, DC, are not conducive to this country doing well over the long term. His home state – along with 18 others – have called for an Article V convention as prescribed by the Founding Fathers to rein in the federal government. This would allow the states to come together to make meaningful changes to a system that will never voluntarily give up power.
"Most people elected in Washington are going to follow the incentives that are placed before them," stated DeSantis, who is an endorser of the Convention of States movement. "They're not going to buck that for a higher calling, that's just not what happens."
Congress isn't going to take power away from itself, but the idea of term limits is a bipartisan concept. Both Democrats and Republicans alike support term limits, which is why the people must act through the second clause of Article V.
We have to change the structure and the incentives to produce better outcomes over the long term. With Convention of States, We the People have an opportunity to propose amendments to the Constitution that restrict the terms of office of federal officials, limit spending, and reduce the overall authority given to Washington's most powerful.
To support Convention of States, please sign our petition below.