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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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COSA PA is counting down to 100.000 petitions signed in the Keystone State!

Published in Spread the Word Blog on April 03, 2023 by COSA PA Comms Team

COSA PA continues to garner the moral support necessary to finally help Drain the Swamp; we are rapidly surging toward 100,000 petition signers.

Last week our message reached another 77 patriots who declared, “I am a Keeper…” by signing the petition to inform their elected representatives they are fed up with federal government over-reach into their lives and want the usurped power concentrated in D.C. returned to the citizens to safeguard their children's and grandchildren's futures.

Presently we have 95,078 Keepers who have signed petitions.

COSA PA is happy to introduce you to another proud patriot who is actively working to restore our Republic so her 16 grandchildren will be free to live the lives they choose, unburdened by the crushing debt about to enslave them

Please meet our Event Coordinator Linda Wenhold, who in February of 2021, signed the petition, volunteered her precious time, and became the 66,945th petition signer.

In her own words...

I was invited to a constitution class by my niece. I thought, that sounds good; it will be a good review for me. I had always done well in school and was convicted in my heart (in agreement with my husband) to home-school our children. I thought I knew the Constitution. Ha, little did I know how much I didn't know.

Through my exposure to the Constitution Alive class and then becoming a constitution coach (educating is a passion of mine), I discovered Convention of States Action. My thoughts and concerns were increasing for what the future might hold for my children and grandchildren.

I joined COSA PA as a volunteer and was continuing to do Constitution classes. A few months into it I had gone to speak to my state representative and my state senator and was very disappointed in their reception of the idea.

I also realized that if I wasn't aware of Article V, there were lots of others who probably didn't know about it either. I volunteered to set up a table at a community day event to spread our message. I enjoyed speaking with like-minded people so much that I hosted another display at the Let Freedom Ring, Constitution Day event in 2021. I felt encouraged We the People could save our country.

I brought Tim Barton, from WallBuilders, in to speak to the crowd and educate them on the lost history of our nation. Then RD Susan Peters addressed the crowd about COSA. It was a grand day.

I am always looking for new and exciting ways to expose others to the Article V solution

John Locke said, "The citizenry needs to be educated well on the importance of freedom and the responsibility of having freedom.”

We the People have neglected our responsibility and it is time to get back on track.

Plato – "If you don't take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you're going to be doomed to live under the rule of fools" (a fool says there is no God – I added).

We need to reach the next generation.

I have been sharing with my grandchildren and will be going into a home school co-op this fall and hopefully my local school. My prayers are that as we repent and turn from our wicked ways, chose leaders who fear God and understand there is a higher power than themselves and teach the rising generation the timeless truths and principles to be free, God can then bless America again.

Liberty has to be protected.

In my immaturity years ago, I only concerned myself with my family. We need to get a generational vision. I want to be known for having done all that I could pass the torch of freedom to the next generation.

President John Quincy Adams said: "Duty is ours, the results are God's."

We have left the design given by the Framers of the Constitution to curb the wickedness of men's hearts (limited power, separated power, and checks and balances of power) because 'We the people' didn't know, didn't care, or were too busy to pay attention.

President John Adams: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Noah Webster said, “Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for your rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God ... If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted...If our government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”

We can become a more perfect union by correcting the distortions that have happened to key phrases of our Constitution by judicial fiat and adding clear checks to the power that's been usurped by bureaucrats, by making our state legislators use the provision in Article V to call a Convention of States.

It's not too late to use the Constitution to save the Constitution, for the sake of future generations. 

Well said Linda, words to inspire us all to do our duty and Safeguard Our Liberty!

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Convention of states action

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