You often hear us tout that Convention of States is a “bipartisan” effort.
But is that actually true?
Well, new polling from Pennsylvania — the state in which the Constitution was penned — confirms that yes! our grassroots initiative to call an Article V convention enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support.
And it’s no surprise to see why.
Americans everywhere, including in Pennsylvania, are strongly disillusioned with the federal government, which they believe has bankrupted their future. Nearly 90% of Keystone State voters, for example, express concern about our $34 trillion national debt, while a shockingly low 7% trust Washington to make important policy decisions that impact their lives. Additionally, a full 90% believe that term limits for members of Congress and other federal bureaucrats are necessary.
Our COS resolution, already passed in 19 states, addresses these three issues (federal spending, jurisdiction, and term limits). We are not surprised, therefore, to learn that majorities from every party in Pennsylvania say they back our efforts.
Spanning the prevailing partisan divide, 55% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans, and 74% of Independents, the data shows, stand united in support of calling an Article V convention — an impressive bloc among typically unaligned voters.
Even more impressive, in an era when finding bipartisan agreement on anything is difficult, the survey indicates that 69% of Republicans, 70% of Democrats, and a whopping 77% of Independents would cross party lines to vote for a candidate who champions Convention of States.
“These results send a powerful message: Convention of States is a unifying cause that resonates across party affiliations,” noted Convention of States President Mark Meckler. “It is heartening to witness Democrats and Republicans recognizing the importance of this constitutional remedy, as well as expressing a willingness to break party lines in order to do what is best for their country and state.”
Moreover, COS garners significant support across other demographics, too. For example, a supermajority of black, Hispanic, and white voters express their endorsement for calling a convention, marking another rare instance of widespread agreement. In addition, our efforts receive positive reception across all age brackets, with 70% of 18-44 year-olds, 66% of 45-54 year-olds, 71% of 55-64 year-olds, 63% of 65-74 year-olds, and 64% of those aged 75 and above expressing their support.
The inarguable takeaway is simple: the American people writ large are fed up with federal dysfunction, turning to the Constitution, Article V, and their state legislatures as a result. Thankfully, Article V is, as we like to say, the solution as big as the problem. Even as crises loom large over America, “We the People” are rising to advance this constitutional provision, proving that COS is indeed a bipartisan endeavor.
The time has come for the Keystone State, the birthplace of Article V, to officially join the movement. To stand with thousands of Pennsylvanians in supporting COS, sign the Convention of States petition below and get involved today.
COS shatters partisan divide in key state
Published in Blog on January 25, 2024 by Jakob Fay