Today the House Rules Committee is holding a hearing to consider a proposal that would allow the federal government to take control of our nation's healthcare system.
Also known as "Medicare-for-all," the proposal would eliminate private insurance and force American taxpayers to pay for a nationalized healthcare system.
Texas GOP Congressman Michael Burgess called the proposal "stunning" in an interview with Fox News.
“All health insurance, all private health insurance as we know it is gone. In fact, Medicare, as we know, is gone. Medicare advantage is gone,” he said.
“It's just absolutely stunning when you read through and it's not terribly long bill when you read through the aspirational document that we'll have in the rules committee today, it is stunning because everything will be taken over by the federal government.”
“Look, if I have a new treatment that I want to offer a patient, I have to do a randomized clinical trial. I have to show it's not going to kill too many people when I administer it. None of that is required with this. Just by congressional fiat, we are going to change the entirety of healthcare in this country,” he continued.
"Congressional fiat."
The fundamental problem with a nationalized healthcare system is not that the system won't be able to provide a sufficient level of care (it likely won't, but that's another issue). The problem with Medicare-for-all is that it strips the American people of their right to self-governance.
The Founders never imagined that the federal government would control industries as massive as our healthcare system -- or any industries at all.
They constructed a relatively weak centralized government to empower the states and the people to make decisions for themselves. They knew that families, local communities, and state governments are in the best position to make important decisions, so they tipped the balance of power in their favor.
Nationalized healthcare turns that system on its head. It forces the American people into a box prescribed by Washington, D.C., and destroys the decision-making power of every American family.
That's why we need to call an Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that clarify the Founders' original vision. With these amendments in place (clarifications of the General Welfare Clause and the Commerce Clause), the feds will never again be able to propose a national takeover of any American industry.
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