Between recent groundbreaking endorsements from The Heritage Foundation and Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of Heritage, and reports that the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, a former state legislator, is a longtime advocate for calling an Article V convention, Convention of States’ national profile has never looked better.
These recent developments promise to serve COS well in the upcoming 2024 legislative season, in which our grassroots activists will once again take to their state capitols to promote the COS Resolution. Both The Heritage Foundation and Speaker Mike Johnson are deeply respected in the state legislatures, making their support invaluable. Additionally, COSF’s 2023 Simulated Article V Convention, attended by over 100 commissioners, most of whom were state legislators, helped boost rapport between the cause and its champions in the states, transforming mere supporters into subject matter experts.
Convention of States couldn’t be more thrilled.
But in light of our successes, there is one man who isn’t so pleased: George Soros.
As of yesterday, Common Cause featured a banner on its homepage urging readers to donate to “stop Article V.” According to InfluenceWatch, “George Soros has given the group $2,025,000 since 2000 through his Open Society Foundations (formerly Open Society Institute) and $600,000 since 2009 through his Foundation to Promote Open Society.”
“You know who hates Convention of States?” asked Mark Meckler on X. “CommonCause, Soros’ policy org.”
You know who hates Convention of States? CommonCause, Soros’ policy org. This is their home page right now. The left hates #COSProject . How about you?
— Mark Meckler (@MarkMeckler) November 22, 2023
The donation request alleges that the Article V process, despite being designed by our Founders to counteract tyranny, would endanger “basic rights” and “reshape our “Constitution.”
This would not be the first time George Soros-affiliated groups have spread such lies about COS. In fact, last month, the Soros-backed Center for Media and Democracy published a sensationalized hit piece on the COSF Simulation. Then, Common Cause hosted a webinar plotting to block our progress.
These attacks, while frustrating, simply highlight that establishment interests perceive our movement as a threat to their authority. Indeed, Convention of States poses a challenge to the ruling elite, and as we approach the first-ever convention, those in power are understandably concerned.
To join us in pushing back against George Soros’s lies and misinformation, not only against COS but also the Constitution itself, sign the Convention of States petition below.