Becky is like many Americans these days. The patriot and West Virginia resident is deeply concerned about the direction our country is headed, and she spoke on the floor of the state legislature to voice her concerns.
"Anyone who watches the news has to be shaking their heads and thinking, what is our government doing? I am afraid of the assault on our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our freedom of religion, free speech, the right to bear arms," she said. "I'm watching a government and a country that I love falling down. There is no unity, no honesty, no integrity, no love for the ideals on which this country was founded."
But unlike many Americans, including those groups opposing the Article V solution, Becky isn't willing to sit on the sidelines while her country crumbles. She's joined the Convention of States movement because she knows that only a Convention of States can solve the root of our country's problems.
"How long will we sit on our hands and twiddle our thumbs? We need to act now to have a Convention of States because this is the last legal way that we can control our government," she said.
Thanks in party to Becky's words, the West Virginia legislature recently became the 18th state to call for a Convention of States!
To join Becky and the millions of patriots who support Convention of States sign the petition below!