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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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Defy the Dark as a Volunteer Activist

Published in Volunteer Resources on April 30, 2024 by Andrew Lusch

Convention of States President, Mark Meckler has a message for those trying to plunge the United States into the dark ages…


Over the last 10 years, Convention of States has grown into a grassroots machine with one purpose in mind. Take back power and give it to the people! Convention of States is ready to fight back against the elitists in Washington D.C., so are you ready to join us in taking their power away? 

We can accomplish this by using a little-known and underused part of the Constitution called Article V. This constitutional provision empowers the states to act when Congress fails us. Our mission is to pass the Convention of States resolution in 34 states, which would allow the states to discuss amendments that would limit federal power. 19 states are on board, meaning we are halfway to the first Article V convention of states in American history. 

Do you want to defy the darkness? Do you want to be part of a movement that will be instrumental in rebalancing power to the states and the people? You have already signed the COS petition; the next step is to join as a volunteer and get in the fight to save America. We are currently looking for Volunteer Activists.

So what do Volunteer Activists do? 

They are the hands and feet of our movement, the Minute Men for COS leaders that stand up, show up, and speak up for Convention of States when called upon. Volunteer Activists help grow our petition count by offering helping hands at gunshows, state fairs, expos, and other petition-rich events. Volunteer Activists can help make phone calls or send out emails to legislators or fellow petition signers. There is no limit to what a Volunteer Activist can do to support their local leader in accomplishing our mission to put the people back in charge. We need more people willing to show up to support the leaders for COS in your district.  

If you are ready to defy the darkness with Mark Meckler and your state team, then fill out the application below and become a Volunteer Activist. 

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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