Building the largest grassroots army of self-governing activists in American history is no easy task. Neither is saving the country, for that matter.
Not a day goes by that Convention of States is not at the forefront of the fight for liberty. Wherever the fight is the fiercest, you can bet that we’ll be there in the middle of the action. From school boards to state legislatures to gun shows and our southern border—the grassroots never sleep; they have answered the call, as the Founders did, to give their lives, their fortunes, and sacred honor to each other and for America.
Of course, time is an invaluable resource in this fight. But so is money. Frankly, aiding an army of this size in a nationwide effort on this scale comes at a great cost.
As Convention of States President Mark Meckler explained, “The nature of a grassroots army is that it requires a lot of support…. That’s why we’re seeking 10,000 patriots to join me and to support Convention of States at a dollar a day—literally, just 31 bucks a month. Is it worth a dollar a day to you to have the strongest, largest grassroots army in America?”
When the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence, they knew that liberty would not, could not, be bought for nothing. It would come only with a hefty price tag. Indeed, many throughout our history have given so much more than just money; they have laid down their lives. Rows upon rows of white stone at Arlington and hundreds of other military cemeteries across the nation attest to the prodigious price for freedom.
What’s it worth to us?
The average American spends over $92 every month just on coffee. All we’re asking for is a third of that to preserve “so celestial an article as FREEDOM.”
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly,” wrote Thomas Paine in his “American Crisis.”
There’s no question that Americans have woefully undervalued freedom, and it now lies in ruins, wasted. Thankfully, through an Article V convention, we can rebuild and secure our Republic for future generations—but we need your help.
For just $1 a day, please consider joining our Patriots Club. Your support will fuel the passion and drive of our indispensable grassroots army and ensure that they have the tools and resources they need to advance the cause of liberty. Additionally, to voice your support for Convention of States, sign the petition below.
Be 1 of 10,000 Patriots
Published in Blog on June 11, 2023 by Jakob Fay