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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Back To Basics

Published in Blog on March 15, 2023 by Jen Le Blanc Mieler

“No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”

-George Mason, Founding Father

When people find out that my husband and I have quadruplets, one of the most frequent questions we hear is “how did you survive the first year?” In reality, those early days were the easiest times. The boundaries were clear, and the babies lacked the will or strength to stray from them. As infants, they couldn’t even roll from back to front without a guiding hand. Eat, sleep, play, repeat was the extent of the challenges we faced on any given day.

With growth comes change though, and as they grew, it seemed that everything began to change. As the quads became aware of their expanding world, they wanted to explore more and more. Boundaries became increasingly vital for the safety and security of our family. As they learned and grew, the boundaries continued to expand. Now, at age seven, baby gates, electrical socket covers, spillproof sippy cups, the neverending parade of dirty diapers, and the mini jails known as cribs are distant memories. What seemed then like endless rules and boundaries for our growing babies have been replaced by two basic fundamental principles; Respect People. Respect Property.

At times pride, selfishness, greed, or any other host of human frailties step in, and our youth stray outside of the boundaries set for them. It is at these times when we, as parents, are obligated to step in, revisit our fundamental principles, and take corrective action. Corrective action often takes the form of a loss of privileges, until the youth shows us that he or she is once again acting in a way that respects the people and property around them. These times of correction can be at times challenging and are always a humbling reminder that acting in self-interest most often comes at the expense of others.

Our Federal Government, tasked with serving the American people, has long ago crossed the boundaries enacted for them by the Founding Fathers and acts most often out of conceit and selfish ambition. It’s long past time they revisited the fundamental principles and boundaries designated in the Constitution, and acted in accordance with them, in service to their Country.

They will never do it on their own.

The corruption and hunger for power run too deep, regardless of which side of the aisle on which they sit. We the people, though, have a solution given to us by the Founders all those years ago.

Article V of the Constitution offers a powerful weapon to the people, a weapon which, once wielded, could spell a return to the balance of power the Founders envisioned. 

A Convention of States as provided for in Article V of the U.S. Constitution is a process used to amend the Constitution and place practical limits on the actions of the Federal government and its bloated bureaucracy.

The process is simple, but not easy. Two-thirds of the States must pass an application for a Convention. Once two-thirds (34 states)have been reached, Congress must call a Convention to discuss the proposed Constitutional Amendments. Did you catch that? Must! They don’t have a choice. Each State may send as many delegates as they choose to the Convention, but each State has just one vote. Each amendment must then be ratified by two-thirds (38) of the states in order to become a Constitutional Amendment.

The Resolution

The Resolution has already passed in 19 states and eight more states have passed it in one of their two chambers. Several additional states are expected to take up the Resolution in 2023.

See the Convention of States website, sign the Petition, and get involved

There is a path forward, and we think the time is now!

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Convention of states action

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