Will you be at the National Mall on January 20 when Donald Trump reassumes the presidency?
If affirmative, show out and show support for all of the COS endorsers and supporters who are blanketing his administration by putting together a stylish and spirited ensemble from Article V Outfitters.
Inauguration Day weather in Washington can be cold, so check out the terrific fleeces and hoodies for men and women, as well as the comfy COS knitted cap. Layer underneath with a more formal look -- men's and women's dress shirts are available, as is a COS necktie!
Pick up some promotional COS Pocket Guides and other materials while you're at it to engage further with fellow revelers on the Mall and spread the word about Convention of States. All profits realized by the store are utilized to further the effort to call an Article V convention.
Visit Article V Outfitters today, stay warm in D.C., and make a statement!