Originally published in early 2022, we've updated it for another worthwhile read.
It’s still the people’s government in DC, right? Remember, we run it. So, would we pick a government that:
- Ignores our wishes
- Communicates and decides irrationally
- Overspends on things we don’t want or need
- Pads its own coffers to use against us
- Lectures us and issues unfounded mandates
- Investigates us without due process
- Indoctrinates our children
- Is lousy at everything it runs
Of course not!
How did this happen? Our silence has emboldened an emerging woke cabal, made up initially of fringe factions from the current administration, Big Education, Hollywood, Big Tech and the Media.
Bad Uncle Sam knows that people are preoccupied by their daily lives. Cancel culture penalizes discussions about important issues facing the US and a politicized press enhanced by social media pile on hacked content from Russia and the CCP. In this environment We the People are off balance and unable to validate sources of “truth”, so Bad Uncle Sam can do what he wants. He is unchecked, at least for a while.
Our frustrated attempts at political sanity punished by the self-appointed Woke mob led to our national self-censorship. Further, the more we are in favor of reining in government the less free we feel to speak. See this graph from a Cato Institute Article:
Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share
A stunning statistic in this survey reveals disturbing attitudes among strong partisans:
50% of Strong Liberals Supported Firing Trump Donors; 36% of Strong Conservatives Supported Firing Biden Donors.
This on its own is pathetic and says that we may have American factions so ignorant of history that they are willing to support a Marxist style of control, long proven to consistently lead to disaster.
In a few words: our freedom is at risk. We’ve been bombarded with obvious warning signs. As we encounter them, we are necessarily breaking our silence. A good example is the 2021 Virginia governor’s race and the recent publication of The Twitter Files.
The Warning Signs
To further substantiate our need to speak out, try this simple thought experiment. How would you destroy America’s special brand of liberty and patriotic culture? Not an easy task, right? It would probably take decades.
You would reprogram people by changing their learning about freedom and the American way. You would start with the young, introduce doubt about our history, and plant new seeds of “real” history. You would teach them that white oppressors targeted underprivileged groups to be systematically deprived, by government processes founded on racism and discrimination.
You would disarm an objective press and shift its messaging to support your narrative. You would create a convincing cover story, like uplifting the oppressed by giving them oppressors’ money. The real purpose, taking permanent control of our government, jobs, and revenues wouldn’t fly in the beginning.
Most importantly and most difficult, you would silence dissent and you would shut down dialogue between citizens, by shunning, canceling, and censoring under the guise of serving the oppressed. You would make it painful to even suggest talking about banned subjects. See this article about censorship by Reuters.
You could drive the last nail in the coffin of our republic by working with social media to help control Americans’ daily lives. It looks a lot like the CCP Social Credit System.
Are we being duped? Recent data tells us all the loud noise is about tiny groups, by other tiny groups, much of it bogus. Yet we’ve been cowed. In the face of mountains of evidence, we have succumbed to silence with our friends, family, colleagues, the public. Not even taking the time to learn if these things are real. How does that happen so suddenly?
Sit. Rep
Average Americans have lived with power shifts every few years without much drama. Today shifts are shocking to the system. We have been put off guard by a small, loud, history deprived, mean spirited woke mob bent on power.
They have infected every part of our federal government and culture, even trying to wokify our military.
By taking extreme actions for a scant few, our government is grossly violating their pact with the people. The pact that demands a government of, by and for the people as defined by the constitution. It urgently needs reining in. Only we can do it.
We can’t go on assuming someone else is providing the checks and balances we believe are guaranteed for Americans. We can’t be silent any longer.
It’s time to speak out. There is more than a ray of hope. Patriots of all stripes are now coming out. Protesting public school parents in Virginia focused the nation on the words of Thomas Sowell:
“Schools exist for the education of children. Schools do not exist to provide iron-clad jobs for teachers, billions of dollars in union dues for teachers unions, monopolies for educational bureaucracies, a guaranteed market for [graduates of] teachers colleges, or a captive audience for indoctrinators.”
The Solution
Most of us as everyday patriotic citizens see the threat, feel it, are concerned about it, and are frustrated by it. We instinctively want to act. The good news is that regaining control of our government is most certainly possible and has been made practical.
How brilliant were our founding fathers who thought this through and provided for us?
Their most promising pathway to address today’s runaway government has been made readily available to us. It is an Article V Convention of States, in progress since 2013, with over 3 million supporters nationwide. We need 34 states to convene a Convention of States and we already have 19 on board, with good progress in all remaining states.
COS is ideal in providing a platform to organize and connect our unheard voices through local politics. That platform delivers the essential ways in each state to ratify support to have the Convention of States.
In the convention itself very focused amendments to the constitution are defined to structurally constrain the federal government, as intended by the constitution. A convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”
So join the COS movement today to make your voice heard and help save our precious American culture.