Every day, it seems the LGBTQ+ craze hits new heights of insanity and depths of depravity. Today’s story is no exception.
Last year, reports showed that state governments spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars to pay for “gender-related surgeries for minors.” This year, a TV show set nude transgender adults in front of 10-year-olds to show off their post-transition bodies.
“In ‘Simply Naked [the name of the show],’” the host declared, “adults get undressed so that we can learn something about it…. These kids… get the opportunity to ask them questions about their naked [bodies]. And today, our guests are transgender.”
Shortly thereafter, during “Pride Month,” it became common practice for adults to flaunt their naked bodies in public, including at “family-friendly” Pride parades. A biological man even uncovered his prosthetic female “breasts” at Joe Biden’s Pride Month event at the White House.
But now, the arbitrary line has once again been crossed; LGBT apologists have again gone too far.
Jonathan Richardson is behind bars today for strangling an 11-month-old infant to death in 2001. But somewhere along the way, the demented murderer became “Autumn Cordellioné,” a “female”; and now, the American Civil Liberties Union wants taxpayers to pay for him to get a “vagina.”
“Autumn Cordellioné, also known as Jonathan Richardson, is an adult transgender female prisoner confined in a male institution,” the ACLU announced in a recent lawsuit. “Accordingly, at this point gender-affirming surgery is necessary so that her physical identity can be aligned with her gender identity and so her gender dysphoria can be ameliorated.”
The ACLU takes issue with the state of Indiana not paying for this “necessary” surgery. Notably, the lawsuit makes no mention of “Cordellioné’s” vicious past murder.
“Despite the receipt of hormonal therapy, she [Richardson] continues to suffer the serious negative symptoms of gender dysphoria. Specifically her genitals remain a source of extreme and continuing distress, which is getting worse. The very sight of her genitals causes her to have great anxiety. She has soiled herself rather than use the toilet because of the stress of seeing her genitals.”
“She believes,” adds the report, “that the only remedy for her persistent gender dysphoria, and the serious harm it causes her, is to receive gender-affirming surgery, specifically an orchiectomy [the surgical removal of the testes] and vaginoplasty [the construction of a vagina].”
In short, the ACLU wants the people of Indiana to pay for this convicted baby killer to have a fake vagina.
Last year I wrote that “the LGBTQ ideology is a runaway train. Once you get on board, there is no regulating where it will end up. In one lifetime, it took us from debates about gay sodomy to grown men twerking for children to mainstream [politicians] using your money to carve up kids’ bodies.”
This latest example only proves my theory.
“Our only option,” I said, “is not to slow the train or control where it is going, but to get off completely.”
It’s time to defund the woke, federal agenda. Not only is it asinine to expect taxpayers to sponsor the “Autumn Cordellioné” fund, but we’re also endangering women—and in some cases, children—by putting men in female prisons.
Last year, for example, California sent “Hannah Tubbs,” a 26-year-old male accused of child molestation, into a juvenile correction facility to be housed with female minors. Fox News reported that Tubbs “did not identify as female until after… taken into custody….”
"The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible for a ten-year-old girl to have to go through," his accuser recalled. "I’ve also heard that my attacker goes by she/them pronouns now,” she added, calling it “unfair to try him as a woman… seeing how he clearly didn’t act like one” when he molested her.
Clearly, woke government—swamped by radical LGBTQ+ ideologies —has lost its mind. It’s time for We the People, through Article V of the Constitution, to wrest back control.
Enough is enough.
ACLU wants taxpayers to pay for murder convict to medically transition
Published in Blog on September 05, 2023 by Jakob Fay