In my last article, I referenced the great southern gentleman and politician Jubilation T. Cornpone. He is reputed to have said, “Elected representatives only respond to two things, one is the ‘jingle in their jeans,' the other is who put it there!” By staying in power, the elected elite keep “feathering their nest,” making that "jingle in their jeans" ring more loudly.
These elected elites are beholden NOT to their constituents and the voters, but the special interests willing to enrich them. Need proof? Try correlating time in elected office with growth of personal fortunes. Let us look at our revered Speaker of the House, "The Princess" Nancy Pelosi.
She is worth an estimated $114 million, according to her 2018 personal financial disclosure, making her one of the wealthiest members of Congress.
Speaker Pelosi, when asked about her personal wealth has repeatedly stated, “All my money has come from my salary as a congressperson.” (Or words to that effect).
In 1987 Pelosi had no job. She was elected to Congress that year. Her salary was $93,000.
Today, she owns a company (with her husband) worth at least $45 million. In 2018, Pelosi had assets worth $257 million (according to Megan Henney at Fox News).
$0 to $257 Million in 34 Years
Federal lawmakers report a range for their wealth but not exact amounts. That means the maximum amount Pelosi had in assets in 2018 was $257 million and the maximum had she had in liabilities was $97 million, making her net worth no higher than $160 million. At a minimum, Pelosi has $54 million in assets and $20 million in liabilities for a net worth of about $34 million. (Source: *Money Magazine, published July 17, 2020)
Could influence peddling, insider trading, campaign finance finagling, bribes, corruption and downright theft account for any of these funds? I wonder.
Also, I wonder why legacy media and the Congressional Committees on Ethics and Campaign Finance Irregularities failed to discover this super-sized misconduct?
Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Perhaps the legacy media has the idea that the actions of these political elites is both good and right. Have they embraced a chapter from Machiavelli’s book the “Prince”?
Is Machiavelli Right?
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, philosopher, politician, historian, and writer who lived during the Renaissance. He is best known for his political treatise The Prince, written about 1513. He has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and political science.
The qualities of the ideal prince (or princess in this instance) according to Machiavelli include ruthlessness when necessary, the ability to inspire respect, military expertise, and a willingness to set virtue aside.
Are these the qualities We the People want in our elected leaders? I think not!
We the People Need to Stop This!
One cannot fix something that has already happened. One can, with direct and vigorous action, keep these things from happening again.
TERM LIMITS will stop this kind of “nest feathering” in the future. The CONVENTION OF STATES working through Article V of the Constitution is direct action to fix this issue. To make the Convention of States happen requires that good men and women act. Join the cause. Sign the petition. Get involved.