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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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What Voters Want

Published in Blog on July 20, 2021 by Charles Childers

Remember that movie, “What Women Want”? It's about an ad agency guy who could read women’s thoughts. He was hugely successful in his ad campaigns because knowing what women want is and always has been a great mystery.

What voters want is not a mystery. The only mystery is why our elected representatives refuse to get for the voters what the voters want. Elected officials want votes, right? In fact, elected officials will do anything to get re-elected. Getting re-elected “feathers their nest” once again. (If “nest feathering” were an Olympic Event, Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden would all tie for the Gold Medal). 

I get the following message sent to me at least once a month from different people. The folks sending this to me are voters. It is not a coincidence that so many people forward this “list of wants” through social media and in direct emails. It gets forwarded because the list is pretty darned accurate.

The Convention of States through Article V of the Constitution can and will address the key issues of Balanced Budget, Tax Reform, and Term Limits. With implementation of Term Limits, the issues of Borders, Language, Culture, Drug Testing, and limits to entitlements are more likely to be addressed by elected representatives.

Success of the Convention of States demonstrates that VOTERS speak in a loud clear voice and will no longer be ignored with the calloused disregard of the elected elite. Elected Officials work for us, the voters. Their blatant abandonment of our wants and needs must be stopped.

The time is now for your action. Sign the Convention of States Petition. Join forces with us. Return the power to the people. You must take individual responsibility and strong direct action to make it happen. I do not have the right words to get this done by myself. I really need you to help. 

As my words fail me, leadership from our elected representatives fails all of us.

I am reminded of that great Southern gentleman and politician, Jubilation T. Cornpone. He is reputed to have said, “Elected representatives only respond to two things, one is the ‘jingle in their jeans’, the other is who put it there!” The elected political elite have only one focus: to stay in power. By staying in power, they keep “feathering their nest,” making that jingle in their jeans ring more loudly.

These elected elites are beholden NOT to their constituents and the voters, rather they are obligated to the special interests willing to enrich them. Test this hypothesis: correlate time in elected office with growth of personal fortunes. Get back to me with what you discover. I am confident these elected elites are not getting rich on their government salaries alone.

Go to Convention Of States and sign the petition. There are also volunteer positions available. 

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