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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


A Call to Action for Minnesotans

Published in Blog on December 17, 2020 by Edward Douglas Thompson

As a citizen it’s your responsibility to be engaged. Do not remain silent. Get involved.

Many of you have sat on the sidelines, hoping that someone else would step up. If we are going to restore America, it will require every American. If we are going to stop the statists from taking our rights, it cannot be done by a few.

If we do nothing, even Thomas Jefferson knew that we would lose our freedoms. We are asking for Minnesotans to take a stand. We are asking residents across every county in this state to raise their voices and be heard.

We need you to become a District Captains and grow our grassroots army here in Minnesota. Will you join us?

Click the link below and sign up to defend Minnesota and America. We can't wait any longer.

Take action. Become an engaged patriot today.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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