What is an Article V Convention?
A convention of states is a meeting initiated by the state legislatures under Article V of the Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Why Call an Article V Convention (convention of states)?
The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states, and taking liberty from the people.
How Do States Call an Article V Convention (convention of states)?
34 state legislatures must pass a resolution applying for a convention of states dealing with the same subject matter.
What Happens at an Article V Convention (convention of states)?
Commissioners (Delegates) discuss and propose amendment proposals
that fit the topic framed by the 34 state resolutions that triggered the convention. Each state gets one vote.
Will States be equally represented at an Article V Convention?
Yes! The equality of the states has been fundamental in every historical multi-state convention or compact that we have found.
Also see: We know how Conventions Work
How Do States Choose Their Commissioners/Delegates?
States Legislatures are free to develop their own selection processes for choosing their commissioners/delegates. Passing a Resolution establishing this process in Michigan is one of our legislative goals.
Can an Article V Convention Change the Constitution?
No. The Commissioners at an Article V convention can only propose amendments. The proposed amendments must then be ratified after the Article V Convention in order to become a part of the U.S. Constitution.
How are Proposed Amendments Ratified?
38 states must ratify any proposed amendments sent back to the states by the convention.
Is an Article V Convention (convention of states) Safe?
Yes. The topic of amendments is limited by the states’ applications. All other topics are out of order for the convention. In addition, the ratification process ensures no amendment will be passed that does not reflect the desires of the American people. How we know it's safe.
How Realistic is Calling an Article V Convention (convention of states)?
Over 4.5 million supporters have called for a Convention of States. Thirty states have passed our resolution through at least one committee, and twenty-three states have passed the resolution through one chamber. Nineteen states have already fully passed the COS Resolution calling for a convention of states!
What does a COS Article V Convention Aim to Accomplish?
What is the Plan?
1. Our resolution calls for a convention to propose amendments on particular subjects–limiting federal power, mandating fiscal responsibility, and imposing term limits—rather than a particular amendment.
2. The grassroots army is the key to implementing an Article V Convention. With over 4.5 million supporters and signed petitions in 100% of legislative districts across America, our grassroots army is the largest Article V grassroots movement in history.
If Federal Officials Ignore the Current Constitution, Why Would They Adhere to an Amended Constitution?
Federal officials don’t “ignore” the Constitution so much as “lawyer” around it. For instance, they claim that the power to tax and spend for the “general welfare” gives Congress power to tax and spend for any purpose whatsoever.
Amendments at a Convention of States today will be written with these politicians and judges in mind. There will be no doubt as to their meaning, and no possibility of alternate interpretations.
Can Congress Block an Article V Convention (convention of states)?
No. Once 34 states apply for a convention to propose amendments
on the same issue, Article V requires Congress to name the place and the time for the convention. Learn more about how Congress has no say.
Article V says Congress “Calls” the Convention. Does This Mean it Controls the Convention and Chooses the Delegates?
No. Once 34 states apply, Congress has no discretion whether to call a convention and no control over the delegates. Learn More.
How Do We Know How an Article V Convention (convention of states) Will Work?
Interstate conventions were common during the founding era, and the basic procedures and rules for such conventions were uniform. Learn More
Can an Article V Convention be Limited to a Single Subject?
Yes. The text, history, and purpose of Article V all point to the ability of the states to limit a convention to the consideration of a single topic or set of topics. Learn More.
Who is Citizens for Self-Governance and How Does It Relate to the COS Project?
Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG) is the parent organization of the Convention of States Project. CSG provides the resources and experience necessary to make this project a success. The CSG mission is as follows: “Self-governance must be restored across America. Citizens for Self-Governance will elevate awareness and provide resources, advocacy, and education to grassroots organizations and individuals exercising their rights to govern themselves.” CSG sees the COS Project as a means to accomplish this mission.
Visit the CSG website at
Was the Philadelphia Convention a Runaway Convention?
No. The Philadelphia convention was not a runaway convention. The delegates obeyed their instructions.
More about how we know the U.S. Constitution is legitimate.
Can a COS Article V Convention hurt the Second Amendment?
No. The COS resolution does not allow the proposal of an amendment that limits/alters the Bill of Rights or the Second Amendment. Read more on this.
What About the Courts/Supreme Court?
There have been over 30 court cases with holdings regarding Article V which have provided clarification on the legalities of the Article V process. Learn more about the courts and Article V.
Can the Democrats / Republicans Control The Outcome?
With the current political makeup of the country, bi-partisan support will be required both to get an Article V Convention and to ratify proposed amendments afterwards. Learn More.
How Many States Have Passed the COS Resolution?
Nineteen states have passed the COS Resolution calling for an Article V Convention. Thirty-four states are required.
How Do Petitions Help Call An Article V Convention?
When you sign the COS Petition it sends an email to your State Representative & State Senator urging them to support passing the COS Resolution in the Michigan Legislature.
Has Michigan Passed the COS Resolution?
Not yet, but the Michigan volunteer team is working hard to try and change that!
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Why hasn't Michigan Passed Yet?
Passing Legislation requires majority support in both the Michigan House and Senate in the same legislative year. We have a lot of support in both chambers, but have always been a few representatives or senators short. To make it happen we need the grassroots (you) talking to your legislators all over the state.
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How Can I Help Michigan Pass the COS Resolution?
1. Reach out to your legislator and ask them to support our Resolution.
2. Become a Volunteer - We need people spreading the word all over Michigan.
3. Do 1 Thing
What Is 34 Ready Legislation?
34 Ready Legislation is designed to ensure that states are legally and structurally set up to select, instruct, and oversee commissioners to an Article V Convention in the event that a Convention is called. Passing 34 Ready legislation is one of Michigan's legislative Goals.
How Do I Become A Volunteer?
Browse through our volunteer positions and apply for the one that sounds interesting.
Not sure which one is right for you? No Problem! Just apply for one and then we will work with you to make sure you end up in the role that works best for you.
How Do I Get the Latest Michigan COS News?
1. Subscribe to our Email List. Select the "Calls-to-Action (Local)" option to get Michigan specific news. You will need to confirm your subscription by clicking the button in the email that is sent to you.
2. Check our MI COS Website for:
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4. Contact us to get connected to your local volunteer team.
5. Become a Volunteer and join us for the ride!
How can I Connect with My Local Volunteer Team?
The COS Michigan team would love to connect with you and answer your questions. Contact us here.